Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

0 Fort Rotterdam - Somba Opu ( Makassar )

Fort Rotterdam and Somba Opu is inseparable from the history of South Sulawesi, is a historical site located in Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, and one-on-one of the most historical attractions within easy reach. That said khabarnya castles are made of clay and egg whites instead of cement.

Fort Rotterdam
One fort ever built and still maintained until now (even Barbara Crossette, New York Times write it as the best preserved Dutch fort in Asia). In the Fort Rotterdam in building the State Museum La Galigo a distorted relics of Tana Toraja. (La Galigo taken from an epic entitled I La Galigo. Constitute the pride of the Bugis literature. Name I La Galigo was one of the literary scholar and Wajo Luwu kingdom in the 14th century).

Prince In ponegoro, warlords Java in 1925-1930, had been disposed of in the Makassar and in exile for 26 years in Fort Rotterdam
Some say that this fort was founded by the King of Gowa to 10 in 1546. some sources say that the day coincided with the 9 August 1643 on the orders of Sultan Alauddin, Fortress was founded Ujung start at one end called the tip of view. The fort is another opinion existed long before. fort was also called Fort Penyyu because of its shape like a turtle visible from above. On January 10 1634 Novembar time in this castle in a ceremony held Gowa oversized banner banner washed with blood. Once the agreement is Bungaya fortress fell into the hands of the Dutch and by Speelman called with FORT ROTTERDAM. During the Japanese fortress serves as a center for scientific research utamnya language and culture penelitihan

Fort Rotterdam is located in the seaside city of Makassar, the port is just one Sukarno-Hatta Airport, and the Port of heaven crossing to the island, approximately 500 meters towards the south the Losari Beach and Akarena.

Benteng Somba Opu

His position Somba Opu Fortress Ujungpandang same. Both are historical relics South Sulawesi in the past. Now Somba Opu is still in process in the complete restoration back to the museumMiniature Sulawesi is located in the vicinity of the fort Somba Opu. At this place in the wake of various traditional custom homes of all ethnic groups in South Sulawesi. Each custom home is in the form of a unique artistic and cultural philosophy that describes the specificity of each ethnic group in South Sulawesi and can find a cannon named "Baluwara Supreme" 9 feet long with a weight of 9500 kg, and a museum containing objects- KesultananGowa historic relics.In arsitekturial, the fort was rectangular, with a length of approximately 2 kilometers, 7 to 8 feet tall, and the extent of about 1,500 acres. The entire building fortress walls lined with thick enough.Inside the castle, there are several custom home building in South Sulawesi (which represents the Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Kajang).This place was used as a center of culture and history. In this place also focused activities whose implementation is south sulawesi week in October each year
History Somba Opu was built by the Sultan of Gowa IX named Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna in 1525. In the mid-16th century, a major bastion kingdom of Gowa, letakanya very strategic, he memerintahakan that walls made of clay. This building was continued by Sultan Alauddin. with the development of the port of Somba Opu was rapidly raised fears of an attack outside of the fort is the added thickness and strengthened with weapons, in the estimate there are around 280 large and small cannons in this fort.The fort was a trading center and port spices visited foreign traders from Asia and Europe. On June 24, 1669, the fort was occupied by the VOC and then destroyed and submerged by tidal waves. In the 1980s, the fort was rediscovered by a number of scientists. In 1990, the fort buildings damaged
The fort is located at Jalan Daeng Tata, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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