Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

0 Indonesia Travel South Sulawesi - Tanah Toraja

Because of that image sticking Tanah Toraja with its custom home building, as a form of promotion of tourism and to attract Japanese tourists to this area, then the custom house was built in the country "sunrise" it. The building is done by the people themselves and the Toraja tourism entrepreneurs brought to negari sakura. Now in Japan, there are two Tongkonan Tongkonan very similar to the original. Tongkonan presence always made the country's admiration because of its unique. The difference with those in Tanah Toraja is located in the roof just use bamboo. 
There are many other attraction of Tanah Toraja in addition to solo ceremonial sign (funeral) which is famous for this. Name the baby graves in the trees in the village Kambira Tarra, Sangalla District, about 20 kilometers from Rantepao, prepared for the baby's body aged 0-7 years.

Toraja Land, is a tourist attraction known for its cultural richness. District which is located approximately 350 km north of Makassar is very famous for its custom home building form. The traditional house is named Tongkonan. The roof is made of split bamboo and are prepared to pile up, but now many are using zinc. Tongkonan also has appropriate degrees of nobility strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and brass.

Although burying the baby in the tree Tarra was not implemented since the last decades, but the tree where "bury" dead baby was still upright and visited by many tourists. On top of a tree whose fruit Tarra like breadfruit commonly used as a vegetable by the locals with a circle around the tree trunk 3.5 meters, saved dozens of baby's body.

Before the body is inserted into the trunk of the tree, the first tree was hollowed out and then placed into a dead baby and then covered with black palm tree fibers. After decades, the baby's body will blend with the tree. It is an attraction for the traveler and for the Tanah Toraja still considers sacred place like a newborn child.

The placement of the baby's body on the tree is well adapted to the social strata of society. The higher the degree of social family then the higher the place the baby was buried in the Tarra tree. In fact, infants who died placed in the direction of the bereaved family residence. If the house is in the western part of the tree, then the child's body will be placed in the west.

Grave Stone, one of the graves form the Toraja people 
To reach this amazing Tanah Toraja are domestic airlines Makassar - Toraja are now only once a week and put on a small plane berpenumpang eight people, which took 45 minutes from the airport Hasanuddin Makassar. If by land, which is quite tiring journey takes seven to ten hours.

Event of interest in this tourist area that is the burial ceremony (signs solo) and signs tuka (thanksgiving feast) which is a fixed calendar each year. In addition to the event, visitors can see up close the other interesting cultural attractions such as the storage of dead bodies in the shelter shaped "container" giant size with a width of 3 meters and a height of 10 meters and tongkonan 600 years old in Londa, Rantepao.

Party Signs Solo 'or feast / ritual funeral  
This is a small part of the many tours offered by the charm Toraja tana as a tourist destination south sulawesi mainstay.
How to ...? Interested to see the uniqueness of cultural tourism is ...?
Just come to the island of South Sulawesi Indonesia

0 Dufan mini mattampa - makassar, milkfish producing areas

District Pangkep Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulawesi), which is approximately 50 kilometers from the city of Makassar, in addition to well-known as a supplier of milk fish, as well as being the only area in South Sulawesi, which has a world of fantasy (dufan) Dufan similar in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta .
Although Dufan Mattampa Bungoro located in the District, the District has no Pangkep Dufan complete game in Jakarta, not less interesting with Dufan that exist in the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. "Heaven playing" it blends in with the natural karst mountains that give its own charm."This is heaven Dufan Mattampa play, not only for kids but for all ages. In addition, we can enjoy the natural scenery and caves in the karst mountains the second longest in the world after China karst mountains at this, "said one officer counters, Idris, who also used concurrently to guide or tour guide if there are foreign tourists who visit the park is a plus.To achieve Dufan Mattampa, from Makassar you can use the two-wheeler and four-wheel drive with the distance of about two hours. Its location is very strategic because it is located on the shaft and the gate immediately visible.At the first gate, when driving, you have to deal with the parking attendant booth first. For two-wheelers, the manager Dufan Mattampa, Eternal Magnificent Promosindo, attract levy of Rp 1,000, while the four-wheel vehicles Rp 2,000.About five feet from the parking area, you will find a karst museum which houses various karst rocks and fauna habitat in the mountains of limestone that.To enjoy the natural scenery Mattampa dufan and you have to return to deal with the counter clerk who will give you a ticket for adults costs Rp 5,000 per person and children Rp 3,000 per person.When entering the second gate Dufan Mattampa, visitors are greeted by two white horse statue is a replica of the statue greeters welcome. The green color of the different kinds of trees that surrounds the tourist center and a breezy wind bodes how asrinya Dufan Mattampa this.The sound of gurgling water and the child's voice will be heard boisterous, because the They were enjoying the various games that test your adrenaline and agility. Games climbing ropes, climbing and swinging on the rope webbing, is a common sight in Dufan Mattampa.In addition, there are a variety of games such as merry-go-round, windmill, duck-bebekan, trains elephants and train tours. Swimming pool which is deliberately designed like a natural bathing water boom.With the admission of capital to Rp 5,000 per person for adults, children were able to choose the type of game that can certainly eliminate fatigue while providing their own entertainment. But if you want to enjoy all kinds of toys, enough to pocket Rp 25,000 to get tickets canal."But if you just want to enjoy certain types of games, you only pay Rp 5,000 per child. Facilities at this whole game lasts five minutes, "said officer carousel, Sukri who had a five year stint in Dufan Mattampa.

Kolam mattampa

Karst cavesOnce content to play in the game, visitors can refresh the body by jumping in the pool is also located in this region Mattampa Dufan. To enjoy the swimming pool, the manager imposes a tariff of Rp 10,000 for adults and 5,000 for children. Beyond Sunday and Saturday there is a special student discount of 50 percent.In Dufan Mattampa there are two swimming pools designed for adults with a depth of 4.5 meters and for children who fitted shower. The second source of swimming pool water is obtained from karst mountains that are around the area Pangkep. Thus, the clarity and freshness of water no doubt. Both pools are also facilitated with water games like a water boom.No less interesting, if it had enjoyed karst caves are located about 100 feet from the right of the second gate Dufan Mattampa. When you go deeper into the cave, the light is no longer so you need to bring a candle. And in this place, a boy offered complete with candle wax koreknya at a price of Rp 1,000 per rod.If you did not bring food when an excursion to this place, you need not worry because there is a gazebo to relax with friends while enjoying snacks. In addition, there is a traditional hawker center that complements all existing facilities. In this foodcourt sold various types of traditional foods Sulsel affordable, especially Pangkep, such as brothers and grilled fish soup.No wonder, if dufan Mattampa style which will give the impression to be the main alternative Pangkep District and surrounding areas such as the city of Makassar, Maros and Barru. It was seen mainly on holidays and feast days, like this past week that the number of visitors of post-Idul Fitri 1429 H reaches approximately 4,000 people. Under normal conditions, the average visitor only numbered 1,500 people

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

0 Makassar Garden Tour ( Bontomanai, Gowa )

One more nih your travel options that are around at Makassar, GARDEN TOUR name suggests, this place can be taken about 1 hour from downtown Makassar, located in the village Bontomanai Gowa, on the shaft Malino-Makassar, not far from the campus II UNHAS or formerly known as Paper Mill Gowa.

The atmosphere is very comfortable because it is filled with fruit trees that are mostly shady mango trees, calm, cool and of course a lot of pollution and dust. There are a lot of Bale-bale, gazebo or playhouse in this large area as a gathering place where you and your family or put your equipment and goods.Every visitor in kenai Rp. 15,000 on weekdays and Rp. 25,000 per weekend day or national holiday. Facilities include full as available meeting rooms, a restaurant and inn. In addition, many objects of interesting objects that you can enjoy.One of the objects in the form of freshwater fish ponds, so you are an angler mania will surely smile .... Dinini umpang fishing equipment and no place provided by the manager, and you know what ...?? its FREE ... yah tis tis free, but only for fishing only. If you are lucky to get a fish to take home or you can ask to eat there, then the fish will be charged for each kilo. There are different types of fish such as pomfret, catfish, carp, and tilapia ...Tired of fishing ...?? you can get directly nyebur ko swimming pool and water play, not far from the fishing there was a swimming pool. Swimming renangya quite wide and divided into 2, namely for children and adults, so those of you who came along with large families do not have to worry about your son / daughter in your place, but definitely stick with adult supervision.For those of you who want to try something else, there could be raced in the mini track, pretty exciting ... but for this one you will be charged a fee of Rp. 5000 Euro for one ride or cycle ...One of the highlights is that visitors are allowed to bring food from outside, so it's very appropriate for the occasion with your family. But Even if you do not bring food from outside, you can simply order food from restorang available there. Very interesting


0 Fort Rotterdam - Somba Opu ( Makassar )

Fort Rotterdam and Somba Opu is inseparable from the history of South Sulawesi, is a historical site located in Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, and one-on-one of the most historical attractions within easy reach. That said khabarnya castles are made of clay and egg whites instead of cement.

Fort Rotterdam
One fort ever built and still maintained until now (even Barbara Crossette, New York Times write it as the best preserved Dutch fort in Asia). In the Fort Rotterdam in building the State Museum La Galigo a distorted relics of Tana Toraja. (La Galigo taken from an epic entitled I La Galigo. Constitute the pride of the Bugis literature. Name I La Galigo was one of the literary scholar and Wajo Luwu kingdom in the 14th century).

Prince In ponegoro, warlords Java in 1925-1930, had been disposed of in the Makassar and in exile for 26 years in Fort Rotterdam
Some say that this fort was founded by the King of Gowa to 10 in 1546. some sources say that the day coincided with the 9 August 1643 on the orders of Sultan Alauddin, Fortress was founded Ujung start at one end called the tip of view. The fort is another opinion existed long before. fort was also called Fort Penyyu because of its shape like a turtle visible from above. On January 10 1634 Novembar time in this castle in a ceremony held Gowa oversized banner banner washed with blood. Once the agreement is Bungaya fortress fell into the hands of the Dutch and by Speelman called with FORT ROTTERDAM. During the Japanese fortress serves as a center for scientific research utamnya language and culture penelitihan

Fort Rotterdam is located in the seaside city of Makassar, the port is just one Sukarno-Hatta Airport, and the Port of heaven crossing to the island, approximately 500 meters towards the south the Losari Beach and Akarena.

Benteng Somba Opu

His position Somba Opu Fortress Ujungpandang same. Both are historical relics South Sulawesi in the past. Now Somba Opu is still in process in the complete restoration back to the museumMiniature Sulawesi is located in the vicinity of the fort Somba Opu. At this place in the wake of various traditional custom homes of all ethnic groups in South Sulawesi. Each custom home is in the form of a unique artistic and cultural philosophy that describes the specificity of each ethnic group in South Sulawesi and can find a cannon named "Baluwara Supreme" 9 feet long with a weight of 9500 kg, and a museum containing objects- KesultananGowa historic relics.In arsitekturial, the fort was rectangular, with a length of approximately 2 kilometers, 7 to 8 feet tall, and the extent of about 1,500 acres. The entire building fortress walls lined with thick enough.Inside the castle, there are several custom home building in South Sulawesi (which represents the Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Kajang).This place was used as a center of culture and history. In this place also focused activities whose implementation is south sulawesi week in October each year
History Somba Opu was built by the Sultan of Gowa IX named Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna in 1525. In the mid-16th century, a major bastion kingdom of Gowa, letakanya very strategic, he memerintahakan that walls made of clay. This building was continued by Sultan Alauddin. with the development of the port of Somba Opu was rapidly raised fears of an attack outside of the fort is the added thickness and strengthened with weapons, in the estimate there are around 280 large and small cannons in this fort.The fort was a trading center and port spices visited foreign traders from Asia and Europe. On June 24, 1669, the fort was occupied by the VOC and then destroyed and submerged by tidal waves. In the 1980s, the fort was rediscovered by a number of scientists. In 1990, the fort buildings damaged
The fort is located at Jalan Daeng Tata, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

0 Malino Favorite Tourist Attractions in Makassar

Malino one vacation spot for families. many people like to visit in malino as beautiful panorama and the air is cool and clean. In malino there is a waterfall usual Takkapala kunjungungi the tourists and also called as the city of flowers, besides the city there are also tea gardens.

Malino is a village located in District Tinggimoncong, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi. The area is located 90 km from Makassar to the south is one of the natural attractions that have a tremendous attraction. 
Malino tourist areas alone, there are jungle tours, a tall pine trees lined the hills and valleys. The road uphill and winding road by crossing mountain ranges and beautiful valleys like painting nature, will take you to the town of Malino. The area is known as an area of ​​recreation and tourism since the Dutch colonial era.

Malino has mountains that is rich with limestone scenery and pine. Various kinds of beautiful tropical plants, grow and thrive in this cold city. In addition, the Malino also produce fruits and vegetables growing in the typical mountain slopes Bawakaraeng. Some communities in South Sulawesi was cultured mountain as a sacred place and sacred.

Travelling from the city of Makassar towards this area takes about 2 hours. Thousand staircase waterfall, waterfall Takapala, Nittoh Tea Gardens, Blue Valley, Japan and Mountain Heritage bunker Bawakaraeng characterizes the town of Malino. Souvenirs typical of this region is the fruit of passionfruit, lunkhead sticky, Tenteng Malino, apples, diamonds, etc.. Malino also a rice-producing areas for the region of South Sulawesi.


Before emerging name Malino, once local people know him by the name of the village 'Lapparak'. Laparrak in Makassar language means flat, which means also that only in places that are flat areas, among the mountains stood firm. Malino city becoming known and increasingly popular since the Dutch colonial era, especially after the Governor-General Caron in 1927 ruled in "Celebes on Onderhorighodon" made the Malino in 1927 as a retreat for government officials.


0 Holidays on the beach Losari makassar

Losari Beach is a beach located in the west of the city of Makassar. The beach is a place for people to spend time Makassar in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset was beautiful.

Previously, this beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because of the sellers and traders operate only at night), and is touted as the world's longest stall (as tent stalls lined up along the coast that is less over one kilometer).

One of the typical snacks that dijajak Makassar in stalls tent is bananas epe (raw banana burned, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. Best when eaten while still warm).

Currently, tents stalls selling seafood has been moved to a place in front of the office of Mayor of Makassar were also still be around Losari.

In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of the sinking sun sunset.

In 2006 Losari up with a new face, as the court of nautical icons. This adds a new icon to Makassar .. beauty in the city.

The photos around the beach Losari

0 Tanjung Bira Bulukumba (makassar - Sulawesi Selatan )

Want to feel the ocean view as a large pond? Or very soft sand beaches? Tanjung Bira in South Sulawesi is the place. The place like paradise will spoil you.Tanjung Bira is one of the favorite destinations in South Sulawesi. The journey to this place can be reached by car for 3-4 hours from the city of Makassar. Precisely, Tanjung Bira is around 40 km from the district Bulukamba. During the trip do not close your eyes, because jejeranpantai ready to provide beautiful scenery.On arrival at Tanjung Bira, fine sand that will welcome you. Do not be amazed at first, because in front of you is the vast sea with no rocks or coral. As if a giant swimming pool with water and clear blue sea. The beach is clean, neat and clear sea, would tarnish any fatigue and boredom.Play-play with sand around the beach would be fun. However, even more fun when you're swimming and playing water at the beach. Small waves ready to accompany your swimming activities. Snorkeling and diving to meet a marine fish, starfish and coral reefs are beautiful will add your travel stories. The place is very beautiful and a favorite for tourists at home and abroad.Tanjung Bira is equipped with adequate facilities. Some of these facilities are lodging prices range from Rp 100,000 to Rp 600,000 per day, restaurants, diving centers that rent equipment for snorkeling and diving, and fresh water baths. Facilities that will make you feel at home enjoying the charm of Tanjung Bira.Close to Tanjung Bira, there is Goat Island with exotic charm underwater. Life under the sea in Goat Island is very beautiful and natural. Clarity and blue water is not less beautiful with Tanjung Bira. Goat Island diving activities you must do. You can reach Goat Island by renting boats with prices ranging from Rp 250,000. The ship could be filled by 8-10 people, of course you do not remove expensive.Tanjung Bira is a special place for you. Congratulations visit to Tanjung Bira and safe holiday as in heaven.


0 Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park ( Makassar )

Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park is a national park on south Sulawesi island of Indonesia. It contains the limestone hill of Maros Pangkep, the second largest karst area in the world after the one in South-Eastern China.

Located in Maros Regency, 45 kilometers to the north of Makassar or about 45 minutes by car from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. The Karst formations most stand tall and steep at almost a 90 degree angle line both sides of the road from Maros city to Bantimurung up to Pangkajene Islands Regency.

The karst area is 43,750 hectares and has 286 caves which includes 16 pre-historic caves in Maros Regency and 17 pre-historic caves in Pangkep, Bone Regency.

Besides waterfall with 2 caves, Dream Cave (one-kilometer long) on the left side and Stone Cave on the right side of the waterfall, (inner) tubing is also can be done.


First exploration of Bantimurung area was done by Alfred Wallace in July-October 1857. Later, he published his exploration result in a book "The Malay Archipelago" which attracted lots of researcher came to Maros. Then, in 1970-1980, there was five chosen conservation areas in Maros-Pangkep Karst, consists of two nature parks (Bantimurung and Gua Pattunuang) and three wildlife sanctuaries (Bantimurung, Karaenta, and Bulusaurung. In 1993, The XI International Union of Speleology Congress recommended Maros-Pangkep Karst as world heritage. Five years after that, Environmental Seminar of Hasanuddin University (PSL-UNHAS) also recommended protection of Maros-Pangkep Karst.

Furthermore, in May 2001, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Asia Regional Office and UNESCO World Heritage Center held the Asia-Pasific Forum on Karst Ecosystems and World Heritage in Serawak, Malaysia which convinced Indonesia government to conserve Maros-Pangkep Karst. Finally in 2004, the ministry of forestry declared the allocation of 43.750 hectares Bantimurung-Bulusaurung land for wildlife conservatory, nature park, conservation forest, limited production forest, production forest, as Bantimurung – Bulusaraung National Park.


Located in the transition area of Asia and Australia zone, the National Park has many unique animals collection, such as Sulawesi Moor Macaque (Macaca maura), the Red-knobbed Hornbill (Aceros cassidix, Penelopides exarhatus), cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis), Sulawesi palm civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroekii), bat, and and pot-bellied boar (Sus scrofa vittatus). Recently, in March 2008, staffs of Bantimurung – Bulusaraung National Park had documented the existence of Tarsius fuscus (the smallest mamalian) and they also found its nest inside the area. Among crustacean biodiversity in the karst area, there is one unique species called "spider crab" (Cancrocaeca xenomorpha) which is only found in Maros Karst cave.

Butterfly Kingdom

Besides insectarium, butterfly breeding centers, managed by both the reserve administrator and residents serve complete the metamorphosis process of the butterflies. There are many butterflies around waterfall such as Troides helena Linne, 'Troides hypolitus' Cramer, Troides haliphron Boisduval, Papilio peranthus adamantius and Cethosia myrana. Alfred Russel Wallace dubbed the place as the Butterfly Kingdom.[8] During his exploration in 1957, Wallace found 256 butterfly species from Bantimurung area, different from previous report of Mattimu in 1977 who found 103 butterfly species inside the National Park with some endemic species are Papilio blumei, Papilio polytes, Papilio sataspes, , and Graphium androcles.

Since 1970s, butterflies already became export commodity from Bantimurung area. Not only sell to foreign countries, the local market also use this animals as materials for souvenirs, such as raw specimen, butterfly frame, key chain, and many other accessories. In 2010, about 600.000 tourists came to this conservatory site and the management of this National Park changed the purpose of this butterfly conservatory from extraction and exploitation into natural ecosystem for tourist attraction. However, some sellers still catch and use butterflies from its original habitat, not from breeding or farming production. To preserve this animal, Indonesia government through National Species Conservation Strategic Directions 2008-2018, included wide variety of butterfly as one of priority in.



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